Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Hello! I started this blog because I need to be on a diet but I really don’t want to be on a diet. If that makes any sense. Ok, let me start at the beginning.

Ever sense I get married my weight has increased, due to inactivity and medication. I was dealing with it ok, other than the occasional times I threw a crying fit because some of my favorite clothes stopped fitting me. But the real upset was when I went to the doctor and found out I was bordering at 200 lbs. The doctor told me to cut my carbs and I was devastated. Most of my meals that I make are based around pasta. I sat down and went through what I could and couldn’t have anymore. I was not happy. Then I went farther, trying to healthy up my meals, which I already started. But I also remembered the meals I made for my mom when she was trying to lose weight. They worked, but they were long, complicated and left you hungry an hour later. They did nothing for keeping up your energy, and they weren’t very good. I wanted the stuff that I was use to and the stuff that you see on the cooking shows. So I set out to do that. I learned enough from those low fat cook books on what can substitute what and adding in low carb to it I know this can work.

That’s why I created this blog. I figure that I’m not the only one that wants this. I won’t be putting just normal everyday recipes up here. I’m going to be putting up revised healthier versions of recipes from famous TV cooks like Paula Deen and Rachel Ray. Just remember a few things. Just because it’s healthy doesn’t mean you can ignore serving sizes. I’m a amateur so don’t take my word as gospel. This is free and I’m doing because I want to so don’t complain. Have fun!

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1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'ma have to watch this. ^.^ I tried the low-carb thing early last year, and I lost 30 lbs in 3 months. It was great! Then I got pregnant, and, well, that all went right down the drain. -.-; I'm havin the same issues with inactivity- can't get a good night's sleep waking up with the baby, so I nap all through the day 'til Matt gets home. Definitely not good for trimming back down to pre-baby weight, let alone to my target of 170. <.< So maybe we can do this together! And by the way, Bob Evans' microwave mashed potatoes are absolutely AMAZING. You have to try next time you go shopping. >^.^< Okies, I'll stop yapping for now. Love, and good luck with the blog!
